Category: European Court of Human Rights


The applicants complained under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the Convention alone and in conjunction with Article 13 that they were still victims of the violation upheld by the domestic court as a result of the low amount of…

CASE OF D.R. v. NORWAY – 63307/17 and 38105/19

The applications concern complaints under Article 8 of the Convention relating to withdrawals of and limitations on the applicants’ right to contact with their children who had been taken into public care. SECOND SECTION CASE OF D.R. AND OTHERS v.…

CASE OF K.F. AND OTHERS v. NORWAY – 39769/17 and 5 others

The applications all concern complaints under Article 8 of the Convention relating to decisions to withdraw the applicant parents’ parental responsibilities in respect of the children and to authorise their adoption, against the parents’ wishes. Accordingly, the Court finds that…