Category: European Court of Human Rights

MELNIKOV v. UKRAINE (European Court of Human Rights)

Communicated on 25 January 2019 FOURTH SECTION Application no.66753/11 Valeriy Stanislavovich MELNIKOV against Ukraine lodged on 12 October 2011 STATEMENT OF FACTS The applicant, Mr ValeriyStanislavovichMelnikov, is a Ukrainian national, who was born in 1967 and is currently serving a…

NEGULYAYEV v. RUSSIA (European Court of Human Rights)

Communicated on 24 January 2019 THIRD SECTION Application no. 49330/16 Maksim Vladimirovich NEGULYAYEV against Russia lodged on 11 August 2016 STATEMENT OF FACTS The applicant, Mr Maksim Vladimirovich Negulyayev, is a Russian national, who was born in 1979 and is…

Knox v. Italy (European Court of Human Rights)

Information Note on the Court’s case-law 225 January 2019 Knox v. Italy – 76577/13 Judgment 24.1.2019 [Section I] Article 3 Effective investigation Lack of an investigation into allegations of ill-treatment by the police during the questioning of a person in…