Category: European Union laws

Directive 2014/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 February 2014 on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property and amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2013/36/EU and Regulation (EU) No 1093/2010 Text with EEA relevance

28.2.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 60/34 DIRECTIVE 2014/17/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 4 February 2014 on credit agreements for consumers relating to residential immovable property and amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2013/36/EU…

Regulation (EU) No 250/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 establishing a programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the European Union (Hercule III programme) and repealing Decision No 804/2004/EC

20.3.2014 EN Official Journal of the European Union L 84/6 REGULATION (EU) No 250/2014 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 establishing a programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the…