CASE OF HUMPERT AND OTHERS v. GERMANY – The applicants, teachers with civil servant status (Beamte), complained, in particular, about the disciplinary measures against them for having participated, during their working hours, in strikes which had been organised by the trade union of which they were members

European Court of Human Rights (Applications nos. 59433/18, 59477/18, 59481/18 and 59494/18) At the relevant time, the four applicants were State school teachers with civil servant status employed by different German Länder. They were members of the Trade Union for…

CASE OF KHUNDADZEEBI v. GEORGIA – The case concerns a complaint under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 about the allegedly unlawful revocation of the applicants’ property rights over agricultural plots of land

European Court of Human Rights (Application no. 12549/11) In 2007 reforms were introduced concerning privatisation of land in Georgia. On 11 July of that same year, Parliament passed the Law on the recognition of property rights to plots of land…