CASE OF LA SPADA v. ITALY – 2731/14. The case concerns the deprivation of the applicant’s land through the application by the domestic courts of the constructive-expropriation rule (accessione invertita or occupazione acquisitiva)

The case concerns the deprivation of the applicant’s land through the application by the domestic courts of the constructive-expropriation rule (accessione invertita or occupazione acquisitiva), as well as the non-enforcement of the domestic courts’ decisions rendered in this respect. As…

CASE OF VASSALLO AND VINCENTI v. MALTA – 38111/21. The application concerns an imposed lease under Act XXIII of 1979 amending Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta affecting the applicants’ property at Flat 19 Vincenti Buildings, Straight Street, Valletta, as of 1991

The application concerns an imposed lease under Act XXIII of 1979 amending Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta (‘the Ordinance’) affecting the applicants’ property at Flat 19 Vincenti Buildings, Straight Street, Valletta (which they hold under a title of…