Division 5. Transfer of a claim (Section 398 – 413)

Last Updated on June 27, 2021 by LawEuro

German Civil Code (BGB) German law

Division 5
Transfer of a claim

Section 398

A claim may be transferred by the obligee to another person by contract with that person (assignment). When the contract is entered into, the new obligee steps into the shoes of the previous obligee.

Section 399
Exclusion of assignment in case of change of contents or by agreement

A claim may not be assigned if the performance cannot be made to a person other than the original obligee without a change of its contents or if the assignment is excluded by agreement with the obligor.

Section 400
Exclusion in case of unpledgeable claims

A claim may not be assigned to the extent that it is not subject to pledge.

Section 401
Passing of accessory rights and preferential rights

(1) With the assigned claim the mortgages, ship mortgages or security rights attaching to them as well as the rights under a suretyship created for them pass to the new obligee.

(2) A preferential right linked to the claim to provide for the case of execution of judgment or insolvency proceedings may also be asserted by the new obligee.

Section 402
Duty of information; provision of documents

The previous obligee is obliged to provide the new obligee with the information required to assert the claim and to provide him with documents serving as proof of the claim, to the extent that they are in his possession.

Section 403
Duty of notarial recording

The previous obligee must, upon demand, issue the new obligee with a publicly certified document on the assignment. The new obligee must bear and advance the costs.

Section 404
Objections of the obligor

The obligor may raise against the new obligee the objections that he was entitled to raise against the previous obligee at the time of assignment.

Section 405
Assignment with presentation of documents

If the obligor has issued a document relating to the debt then, if the claim is assigned and the document is presented at the same time, he may not, in relation to the new obligee, invoke the fact that the entering into or acknowledgement of the obligation is only occurring for the sake of appearance or that the assignment is excluded by agreement with the original obligee, unless the new obligee was aware of or ought to have known of the circumstances on assignment.

Section 406
Set-off in relation to the new obligee

The obligor may set off a claim against the previous obligee to which he is entitled against the new obligee as well, unless, when acquiring the claim, he was aware of the assignment or the claim only became due after he obtained knowledge of this and later than the assigned claim became due.

Section 407
Legal acts in relation to the previous obligee

(1) The new obligee must allow performance that the obligor renders to the previous obligee after the assignment, as well as any legal transaction undertaken after assignment between the obligor and the previous obligee in respect of the claim, to be asserted against him, unless the obligor is aware of the assignment upon performance or upon undertaking the legal transaction.

(2) If, in a legal dispute that became pending at court between the obligor and the previous obligee after the assignment, a final and non-appealable judgment on the claim has been rendered, the new obligee must allow the judgment to be asserted against him, unless the obligor was aware of the assignment when legal proceedings became pending.

Section 408
Multiple assignment

(1) If an assigned claim is once again assigned by the previous obligee to a third party, and if the obligor renders performance to the third party, or if, between the obligor and the third party, a legal transaction is undertaken or a legal dispute becomes pending, the provisions of section 407 will be applied with the necessary modifications for the benefit of the obligor in relation to the previous acquirer.

(2) The same applies if the claim already assigned is transferred to a third party by court decision or if the previous obligee acknowledges to the third party that the claim already assigned has passed to the third party by operation of law.

Section 409
Notice of assignment

(1) If the obligee notifies the obligor that he has assigned the claim, he must allow the notified assignment to be asserted against him in relation to the obligor, even if it does not occur or is not effective. It is equivalent to notice if the obligee has issued a document relating to the assignment to the new obligee named in the document and the latter presents it to the obligor.

(2) The notice may only be retracted with the approval of the person who has been named as the new obligee.

Section 410
Delivery of the assignment document

(1) The obligor is only obliged to the new obligee to perform in return for the delivery of the document relating to the assignment issued by the previous obligee. Notice of termination or a warning by the new obligee is only ineffective if it occurs without presentation of such a document and if the obligor rejects it without undue delay for that reason.

(2) These provisions are not applicable if the previous obligee notified the obligor of the assignment in writing.

Section 411
Assignment of salary

If a military person, an official, a clergyman or a teacher at a public institution of education assigns the transferable portion of his official income, inactive status pay or retirement pay, the disbursing fund must be notified of the assignment by delivery of a publicly or officially certified document issued by the previous obligee. Pending notice, the fund is deemed to be unaware of the assignment.

Section 412
Statutory passing of claims

The provisions of sections 399 to 404 and 406 to 410 apply with the necessary modifications to the transfer of a claim by operation of law.

Section 413
Transfer of other rights

The provisions relating to transfer of claims are applied with the necessary modifications to the transfer of other rights unless otherwise provided by law.

Table of contents (German Civil Code)

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