CASE OF UTIN AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA (European Court of Human Rights) 54784/16 and 41 others

Last Updated on November 10, 2022 by LawEuro

The applicants complainedof the inadequate conditions of their detention. Some applicants also raised other complaints under the provisions of the Convention.

(Applications nos. 54784/16 and 41 others – see appended list)
10 November 2022

This judgment is final but it may be subject to editorial revision.

In the case of Utinand Others v. Russia,

The European Court of Human Rights (Third Section), sitting as a Committee composed of:
Darian Pavli, President,
Andreas Zünd,
Frédéric Krenc, judges,
and Viktoriya Maradudina, Acting Deputy Section Registrar,
Having deliberated in private on 20 October 2022,

Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:


1. The case originated in applications against Russia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) on the various dates indicated in the appended table.

2. The Russian Government (“the Government”) were given notice of the applications.


3. The list of applicants and the relevant details of the applications are set out in the appended table.

4. The applicants complainedof the inadequate conditions of their detention. Some applicants also raised other complaints under the provisions of the Convention.



5. Having regard to the similar subject matter of the applications, the Court finds it appropriate to examine them jointly in a single judgment.


6. The applicants complained principally of the inadequate conditions of their detention. They relied on Article 3 of the Convention, which reads as follows:

Article 3

“No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

7. The Court notes that the applicants were kept in detention in poor conditions. The details of the applicants’ detention are indicated in the appended table. The Court refers to the principles established in its case‑law regarding inadequate conditions of detention (see, for instance, Muršić v. Croatia [GC], no. 7334/13, §§ 96-177, 20 October 2016; Kudła v. Poland [GC], no. 30210/96, §§ 90‑94, ECHR 2000‑XI, and Ananyev and Others v. Russia, nos. 42525/07 and 60800/08, §§ 139‑65, 10 January 2012). It reiterates in particular that extreme lack of space in a prison cell or overcrowding weighs heavily as an aspect to be taken into account for the purpose of establishing whether the impugned detention conditions were “degrading” from the point of view of Article 3 and may disclose a violation, both alone or taken together with other shortcomings (see, amongst many authorities, Karalevičius v. Lithuania, no. 53254/99, §§ 36–40, 7 April 2005).

8. In the leading case of Sergey Babushkin v. Russia, no. 5993/08, 28 November 2013, the Court already found a violation in respect of issues similar to those in the present case.

9. Having examined all the material submitted to it, the Court has not found any fact or argument capable of persuading it to reach a different conclusion on the admissibility and merits of these complaints. Having regard to its case-law on the subject, the Court considers that in the instant case the applicants’ conditions of detention, as described in the appended table below, were inadequate.

10. These complaints are therefore admissible and disclose a breach of Article 3 of the Convention.


11. In applications nos. 705/18, 4273/18, 10092/18 and 10379/18 the applicants submitted a complaint under Article 13 of the Convention. The Court does not consider it necessary to examine the complaint separately.

12. In application no. 7977/18, the applicant also raised other complaints under Article 3 of the Convention.

13. The Court has examined these complaints and considers that, in the light of all the material in its possession and in so far as the matters complained of are within its competence, these complaints either do not meet the admissibility criteria set out in Articles 34 and 35 of the Convention or do not disclose any appearance of a violation of the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Convention or the Protocols thereto.

It follows that this part of application 7977/18 must be rejected in accordance with Article 35 § 4 of the Convention.


14. Article 41 of the Convention provides:

“If the Court finds that there has been a violation of the Convention or the Protocols thereto, and if the internal law of the High Contracting Party concerned allows only partial reparation to be made, the Court shall, if necessary, afford just satisfaction to the injured party.”

15. Regard being had to the documents in its possession and to its case‑law (see, in particular, Sergey Babushkin v. Russia, (just satisfaction), no. 5993/08, 16 October 2014, and Mozharov and Others v. Russia, no. 16401/12 and 9 others, 21 March 2017), the Court considers it reasonable to award the sums indicated in the appended table.

16. The Court further considers it appropriate that the default interest rate should be based on the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank, to which should be added three percentage points.


1. Decides to join the applications;

2. Declares the complaints concerning the inadequate conditions of detention after conviction during the periods indicated in the appended table admissible, decides that it is not necessary to examine separately some of the applicants’ complaints under Article 13 of the Convention and declares the remainder of application no. 7977/18inadmissible;

3. Holds that these complaints disclose a breach of Article 3 of the Convention concerning the inadequate conditions of detention after conviction;

4. Holds

(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicants, within three months, the amounts indicated in the appended table, to be converted into the currency of the respondent State at the rate applicable at the date of settlement;

(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default during the default period plus three percentage points.

Done in English, and notified in writing on 10 November 2022, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.

Viktoriya Maradudina                         Darian Pavli
Acting Deputy Registrar                       President


List of applications raising complaints under Article 3 of the Convention
(inadequate conditions of detention after conviction)

No. Application no.

Date of introduction

Applicant’s name

Year of birth


Representative’s name and location Facility

Start and end date


Inmates per brigade

Sq. m per inmate

Number of toilets per brigade

Specific grievances Amount awarded for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage and costs and expenses per applicant

(in euros)[i]

1. 54784/16


Yuriy Nikolayevich UTIN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

01/03/2010 – pending

More than12 year(s) and

6 month(s) and 2 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack or inadequate furniture, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, no or restricted access to toilet, insufficient time to eat 12,500
2. 64023/16


Vladimir Nikolayevich LEGENKOV




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod

01/07/2013 – pending

More than9 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 2 day(s)

2.2 m² overcrowding, poor quality of food, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to warm water 12,500
3. 44936/17


Igor Viktorovich ISACHENKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod

28/05/2012 – pending

More than10 year(s) and

3 month(s) and 6 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

6 toilet(s)

no or restricted access to warm water, lack or inadequate furniture, no leisure room, no household room, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of winter clothes and shoes, lack of blankets, insufficient time for taking food, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities 12,500
4. 71433/17


Andrey Leonidovich LAPIN




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

26/12/2006 – pending

More than15 year(s) and

8 month(s) and 8 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.3-2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, lack or inadequate furniture 12,500
5. 75962/17


Viktor Sergeyevich NOVIKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

22/05/2006 – pending

More than16 year(s) and

3 month(s) and 12 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities 12,500
6. 75965/17


Vasiliy Vasilyevich TSYPLYAKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

10/07/2006 – pending

More than16 year(s) and

1 month(s) and 24 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities 12,500
7. 80171/17


Sergey Viktorovich PEREVEZENTSEV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region (cell type facilities)

01/04/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 2 day(s)

6 inmate(s)

2 m²

1 toilet(s)

lack of fresh air, lack of or insufficient natural light, overcrowding, passive smoking 12,500
8. 82128/17


Feliks Mairbekovich SOVLOKHOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod (PKT, disciplinary ward, strict regime cameras)

25/05/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 9 day(s)

2.5 m² lack of fresh air, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, overcrowding, bunk beds, passive smoking, lack of privacy for toilet, lack or inadequate furniture, no or restricted access to potable water 12,500
9. 83266/17


Stanislav Viktorovich MIKHALEV




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

18/12/2012 – pending

More than 9 year(s) and 10 month(s)

6 inmate(s)

2.5 m²

1 toilet(s)

overcrowding, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of fresh air, passive smoking, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, lack of requisite medical assistance, lack or inadequate furniture 12,500
10. 705/18


Dmitriy Mikhaylovich KOSAREV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod region

19/01/2015 – pending

More than7 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 15 day(s)

lack of fresh air, inadequate temperature, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, no or restricted access to shower, lack or insufficient quantity of food, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to toilet, overcrowding, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air 12,500
11. 1019/18


AnatoliyGrigoryevich GRINEVICH




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

21/01/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 13 day(s)

145 inmate(s)

2.3 m²

6 toilet(s)

lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of requisite medical assistance, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to toilet 12,500
12. 2252/18


Roman Aleksandrovich BOGDANOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

02/05/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 1 day(s)

145 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to running water, overcrowding in the kitchen, inadequate temperature, lack of requisite medical assistance, the applicant lives in educative room, poor quality of food 12,500
13. 3051/18


Vladislav Igorevich PINDYURIN




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

01/03/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 2 day(s)

2.2 m² overcrowding, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of fresh air, inadequate temperature, lack of requisite medical assistance, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, no or restricted access to shower, lack of winter clothing 12,500
14. 3053/18


Andrey Sergeyevich PEKAREV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

30/10/2017 – pending

More than4 year(s) and 10 month(s) and 4 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.2-2.6 m²

no or restricted access to toilet, lack of fresh air 12,500
15. 4273/18


Andrey Aleksandrovich BORISOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

01/10/2013 – pending

More than8 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 2 day(s)

120 inmate(s)

2 m²

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
16. 4571/18


Andrey Grigoryevich GEORGIYEVSKIY




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

20/04/2012 – pending

More than10 year(s) and

4 month(s) and 14 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.2-2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, poor quality of food 12,500
17. 5329/18


Anton Albertovich ZAMORKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

06/02/2012 – pending

More than10 year(s) and

6 month(s) and 28 day(s)

135 inmate(s)

2.3-2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, no warm clothes and footwear provided for wintertime 12,500
18. 7977/18


OlimdzhonKhomidovich SAIDAKHMADOV




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

04/07/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and

1 month(s) and 30 day(s)

2.1 m² overcrowding, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of requisite medical assistance, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
19. 8756/18


SadrutdinSakhavatovich SAKHAVATOV




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

01/07/2013 -pending

More than9 year(s) and

2 month(s) and 2 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.1-2.3 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, inadequate number of toilets and wash basins 12,500
20. 10092/18


Andrey Sergeyevich ALESHIN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

29/08/2011 -pending

More than

11 year(s) and 5 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.1-2.3 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
21. 10379/18


ZaurMursalovich ALIYEV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

01/04/2014 – pending

More than8 year(s) and

5 month(s) and 2 day(s)

2 m² lack of fresh air, overcrowding, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
22. 11742/18


Viktor Konstantinovich KARSAKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

01/02/2012 – pending

More than10 year(s) and

7 month(s) and 2 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of fresh air 12,500
23. 13624/18


SoslanKazbekovich YESIYEV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

10/11/2014 – pending

More than7 year(s) and

9 month(s) and 24 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2.3 m²

6 toilet(s)

poor quality of food, inadequate clothing 12,500
24. 14219/18


Mikhail Mikhaylovich GAGARIN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

12/10/2017 – pending

More than4 year(s) and

10 month(s) and 22 day(s)

2 m² overcrowding, lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air 12,500
25. 14410/18


Marat Rafitovich AKHTAMZYANOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

27/11/2007 – pending

More than14 year(s) and

9 month(s) and 7 day(s)

135 inmate(s)

2.37 m²

6 toilet(s)

no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities, poor quality of food 12,500
26. 15851/18


Yuriy Lvovich LANSHIN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

20/02/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and

6 month(s) and 14 day(s)

145 inmate(s)

2.1 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, poor quality of food, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to running water, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
27. 16100/18


Aleksandr Viktorovich ISAYEV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

31/05/2016 -pending

More than6 year(s) and

3 month(s) and 3 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, mouldy or dirty cell 12,500
28. 17140/18


Dmitriy Vladimirovich MAYSYUK




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod

30/06/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and

2 month(s) and 4 day(s)

140 inmate(s)

2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, sharing cells with inmates infected with contagious disease, lack of fresh air, lack of requisite medical assistance 12,500
29. 18779/18


Ivan Ivanovich LENDEL




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

03/08/2015 – pending

More than

7 year(s) and 1 month(s)

137 inmate(s)

2.2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of fresh air 12,500
30. 19889/18


Vladimir Vladimirovich GAVRILOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

04/07/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and

1 month(s) and 30 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.3-2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, failure to provide warm clothes and footwear for winter, insufficient number of toilets and wash basins 12,500
31. 20437/18


FyaritRavilyevich KARAYEV




IK-11 NizhniyNovgorod Region

19/06/2017 to27/11/2017

5 month(s) and 9 day(s)

IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod

25/12/2017 – pending

More than4 year(s) and 8 month(s) and 9 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

2 m²

7 toilet(s)





100 inmate(s)

2 m²

7 toilet(s)

poor quality of food, overcrowding







overcrowding, poor quality of food

32. 21498/18


Igor Petrovich MAKAROV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

28/08/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 6 day(s)

2 m² lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to toilet, overcrowding, poor quality of food 12,500
33. 22632/18


Roman Viktorovich POPOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

25/11/2014 – pending

More than7 year(s) and 9 month(s) and 9 day(s)

2 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to running water, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air, poor quality of food, sharing cells with inmates infected with contagious disease, lack of or insufficient electric light 12,500
34. 23160/18


IlsurIlkamovich ZARIPOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

27/02/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 7 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2 m²

6 toilet(s)

lack of fresh air, sharing cells with inmates infected with contagious disease, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, poor quality of food 12,500
35. 23389/18


Roman Viktorovich MOSKALEV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

26/05/2017 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 8 day(s)

120 inmate(s)

2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

poor quality of food, overcrowding, mouldy or dirty cell, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of fresh air, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
36. 31321/18


Anton Vladimirovich ISAKOV




IK-11 Nizhny Novgorod Region

17/11/2017 – pending

More than4 year(s) and

9 month(s) and 17 day(s)

2.3 m² overcrowding, lack or inadequate furniture, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to toilet, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of fresh air, lack of requisite medical assistance, cracking walls 12,500
37. 31325/18


Sergey Gennadiyevich NOVICHKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

04/09/2017 – pending

More than4 year(s) and11 month(s) and 30 day(s)

2.3 m² overcrowding, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to toilet, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack or inadequate furniture, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of fresh air, poor quality of food 12,500
38. 31457/18


Maksim Vladimirovich SAVCHENKO


Zhiltsov Sergey Valeryevich


IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

23/02/2018 – pending

More than4 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 11 day(s)

2 m² overcrowding, lack of requisite medical assistance, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to toilet, poor quality of food, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack or inadequate furniture 12,500
39. 31740/18


Sergey Vladimirovich ILYIN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

21/11/2016 – pending

More than5 year(s) and 9 month(s) and 13 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.3 m²

6 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, lack of requisite medical assistance, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to toilet, poor quality of food, infestation of cell with insects/rodents 12,500
40. 33133/18


Dmitriy Yuryevich YABLOKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

04/06/2018 – pending

More than4 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 30 day(s)

28 inmate(s)

2 m²

overcrowding, poor quality of food, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, constant electric light, lack of or insufficient electric light 12,500
41. 33494/18


ZakarAshotovich GALUSTYAN




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

02/04/2016 – pending

More than6 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 1 day(s)

2 m² lack of fresh air, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, no or restricted access to toilet, poor quality of food 12,500
42. 34903/18


Valentin Sergeyevich CHIZHENKOV




IK-11 Nizhniy Novgorod Region

13/11/2011 – pending

More than10 year(s) and

9 month(s) and 21 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, inadequate clothing 12,500

[i] Plus any tax that may be chargeable to the applicants.

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