CASE OF PUKHTVENT AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA – 33236/18 and 34 others

Last Updated on December 14, 2023 by LawEuro

The applicants complained of the inadequate conditions of their detention.

European Court of Human Rights
(Applications nos. 33236/18 and 34 others – see appended list)
14 December 2023

This judgment is final but it may be subject to editorial revision.

In the case of Pukhtvent and Others v. Russia,

The European Court of Human Rights (Third Section), sitting as a Committee composed of:

Peeter Roosma, President,
Ioannis Ktistakis,
Andreas Zünd, judges,
and Viktoriya Maradudina, Acting Deputy Section Registrar,

Having deliberated in private on 23 November 2023,

Delivers the following judgment, which was adopted on that date:


1. The case originated in applications against Russia lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) on the various dates indicated in the appended table.

2. The Russian Government (“the Government”) were given notice of the applications.


3. The list of applicants and the relevant details of the applications are set out in the appended table.

4. The applicants complained of the inadequate conditions of their detention. Some applicants also raised other complaints under the provisions of the Convention.



5. Having regard to the similar subject matter of the applications, the Court finds it appropriate to examine them jointly in a single judgment.

II. Jurisdiction

6. The Court observes that the facts giving rise to the alleged violations of the Convention occurred prior to 16 September 2022, the date on which the Russian Federation ceased to be a party to the Convention. The Court therefore decides that it has jurisdiction to examine the present applications (see Fedotova and Others v. Russia [GC], nos. 40792/10 and 2 others, §§ 68‑73, 17 January 2023).


7. The applicants complained principally of the inadequate conditions of their detention. They relied on Article 3 of the Convention.

8. The Court notes that the applicants were kept in detention in poor conditions. The details of the applicants’ detention are indicated in the appended table. The Court refers to the principles established in its case-law regarding inadequate conditions of detention (see, for instance, Muršić v. Croatia [GC], no. 7334/13, §§ 96-101, ECHR 2016). It reiterates in particular that a serious lack of space in a prison cell weighs heavily as a factor to be taken into account for the purpose of establishing whether the detention conditions described are “degrading” from the point of view of Article 3 and may disclose a violation, both alone or taken together with other shortcomings (see Muršić, cited above, §§ 122-41, and Ananyev and Others v. Russia, nos. 42525/07 and 60800/08, §§ 149-59, 10 January 2012).

9. In the leading case of Sergey Babushkin v. Russia, no. 5993/08, 28 November 2013, the Court already found a violation in respect of issues similar to those in the present case.

10. Having examined all the material submitted to it, the Court has not found any fact or argument capable of persuading it to reach a different conclusion on the admissibility and merits of these complaints. Having regard to its case-law on the subject, the Court considers that in the instant case the applicants’ conditions of detention were inadequate.

11. These complaints are therefore admissible and disclose a breach of Article 3 of the Convention.


12. Some applicants submitted other complaints which also raised issues under the Convention, given the relevant well-established case-law of the Court (see appended table). These complaints are not manifestly ill-founded within the meaning of Article 35 § 3 (a) of the Convention, nor are they inadmissible on any other ground. Accordingly, they must be declared admissible. Having examined all the material before it, the Court concludes that they also disclose violations of the Convention in the light of its well‑established case-law (see Sergey Babushkin, cited above, §§ 38-45, concerning the lack of an effective remedy for the complaint about conditions of post-conviction detention; Idalov v. Russia [GC], no. 5826/03, §§ 103-08 and 154-58, 22 May 2012, and Tomov and Others v. Russia, nos. 18255/10 and 5 others, §§ 92-156, 9 April 2019, concerning inadequate conditions of transport and the lack of an effective remedy in that respect; Gorlov and Others v. Russia, nos. 27057/06 and 2 others, 2 July 2019, concerning permanent video surveillance of detainees and the lack of an effective remedy in that respect; and Anchugov and Gladkov v. Russia, nos. 11157/04 and 15162/05, 4 July 2013, concerning prisoners’ right to vote).


13. Regard being had to the documents in its possession and to its case‑law (see, in particular, Sergey Babushkin v. Russia, (just satisfaction), no. 5993/08, 16 October 2014 and Mozharov and Others v. Russia, nos. 16401/12 and 9 others, 21 March 2017, the Court considers it reasonable to award the sums indicated in the appended table.


1. Decides to join the applications;

2. Holds that it has jurisdiction to deal with these applications as they relate to facts that took place before 16 September 2022;

3. Declares the applications admissible;

4. Holds that these applications disclose a breach of Article 3 of the Convention concerning the inadequate conditions of detention after conviction;

5. Holds that there has been a violation of the Convention and its Protocols as regards the other complaints raised under the well-established case-law of the Court (see appended table);

6. Holds

(a) that the respondent State is to pay the applicants, within three months, the amounts indicated in the appended table, to be converted into the currency of the respondent State at the rate applicable at the date of settlement;

(b) that from the expiry of the above-mentioned three months until settlement simple interest shall be payable on the above amounts at a rate equal to the marginal lending rate of the European Central Bank during the default during the default period plus three percentage points.

Done in English, and notified in writing on 14 December 2023, pursuant to Rule 77 §§ 2 and 3 of the Rules of Court.

Viktoriya Maradudina                    Peeter Roosma
Acting Deputy Registrar                      President


List of applications raising complaints under Article 3 of the Convention
(inadequate conditions of detention after conviction)

No. Application no.

Date of introduction

Applicant’s name

Year of birth


Representative’s name and location Facility

Start and end date


Inmates per brigade

Sq. m per inmate

Number of toilets per brigade

Specific grievances Other complaints under well-established case-law Amount awarded for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage and costs and expenses per applicant

(in euros)[i]

1. 33236/18


Rudolf Dmitriyevich PUKHTVENT


IK-25 Komi Republic

12/04/2018 pending as of


4 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 5 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

6 toilet(s)

mouldy or dirty cell, lack of fresh air, passive smoking, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, poor quality of running water, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of or insufficient natural light Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and in respect of permanent video surveillance;

Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – IK-25 Komi Republic, 12/04/2018 – pending as of 16/09/2022; opposite-sex operators, video surveillance in a lavatory and/or shower room

2. 40654/18


Sergey Vladimirovich LAMEKO



IK-1 Komi Republic

26/04/2016 pending as of 16/09/2022

6 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 22 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

1.5 m²

8 toilet(s)

infestation of cell with insects/rodents, mouldy or dirty cell, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention, in respect of inadequate conditions during the transport and permanent video surveillance in detention facilities;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – transport on 11-12/07/2018, and 07-08/08/2018; van, train; 0.3 sq. m of personal space; overcrowding, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of or insufficient electric light, inadequate temperature, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to toilet, no possibility of eating food;

Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – in IK-1 Komi Republic since 26/04/2016 by opposite-sex operators

3. 7601/19


Aleksey Nikolayevich OSTROVSKIY


IK-1 Stavropol Region

19/09/2017 pending as of 16/09/2022

4 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 29 day(s)

320 inmate(s)

2 m²

lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of fresh air, insufficient number of sleeping places, inadequate temperature, overcrowding, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to shower Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 12,500
4. 12326/19


Aleksey Leonidovich ZAVGORODNIY


IK-19 Komi Republic

29/09/2018 pending as of 16/09/2022

3 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 19 day(s)

42 inmate(s)

2.1 m²

7 toilet(s)

inadequate temperature, lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities, no or restricted access to running water, overcrowding, passive smoking, mouldy or dirty cell, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention during transport;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – 27/09/2018 – 29/09/2018, lack of fresh air, insufficient number of sleeping places, no or restricted access to toilet, overcrowding, passive smoking.

5. 37069/19


Tadzhibay Ismailovich ATADZHANOV


Nevmerzhitskaya Irina Vladimirovna


IK-16 Krasnoyarsk Region

06/09/2016 to


1 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 15 day(s)

IK-7 Krasnoyarsk Region

20/08/2018 pending as of 16/09/2022

4 year(s) and 28 day(s)

110 inmate(s)

1.66 m²

4 toilet(s)

180 inmate(s)

0.5 m²

5 toilet(s)


lack of seasonal clothes, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of fresh air, inadequate temperature, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of potable water, lack of privacy for toilet, poor quality of food, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air

Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 12,500
6. 46860/19


Yevgeniy Yuryevich FEOKTISTOV


IK-8 Komi Republic

28/08/2014 pending as of 16/09/2022

8 year(s) and 20 day(s)

1.9 m² overcrowding, mouldy or dirty cell, lack of ventilation, lack of toiletries, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to potable water, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and conditions during transport;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – applicant transported from 10/10/2021 to 30/10/2021, train (overnight, 12 to 13 hours’ transfers): overcrowding (10 inmates per compartment), lack of fresh air, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to drinking water, insufficient number of sleeping places

7. 47767/19


Murad Murtazaliyevich YAKUBOV


IK-37 Perm Region

15/02/2018 pending as of 21/03/2019

1 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 7 day(s)

1.5-2.3 m² overcrowding, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, inadequate temperature, lack of fresh air, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of privacy for toilet Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and in respect of inadequate conditions of detention during transport;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – applicant transported on numerous occasions from 21/03/2019 to 10/04/2019, insufficient number of sleeping places, lack of fresh air, overcrowding, no or restricted access to toilet

8. 53533/19


Oleg Aleksandrovich KOVALENKO


Kovalenko Marina Feliksovna


IK-5 Mordovia Republic

01/06/2015 pending as of 16/09/2022

7 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 16 day(s)

1.6 m² overcrowding, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to warm water Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention;

Prot. 1 Art. 3 – ineligibility to vote in or stand for elections – Inability to vote in the regional legislature elections of North Ossetia on 08/09/2019

9. 58035/19


Vladislav Anatolyevich ZAPOLSKIY


IK-1 Komi Republic

29/05/2018 pending as of 16/09/2022

4 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 19 day(s)

250 inmate(s)

1.2-1.5 m²

6 toilet(s)

infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of or insufficient electric light, poor quality of potable water, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and of transport;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – by train from 27/09/2019 to 29/09/2019, from 14/08/2020 to 14/09/2020, an dfrom 01/06/2021 to 02/06/2021: inadequate temperature, insufficient number of sleeping places, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to toilet, overcrowding; van on 10/06/2021: 7 hours’ transfer, no or restricted access to toilet

10. 60606/19


Vasiliy Viktorovich KARPOV


Shirokov Oleg Valeryevich

Nizhniy Tagil

IK-54 Sverdlovsk Region

12/10/2015 pending as of 16/09/2022

6 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 5 day(s)

79 inmate(s)

2 m²

4 toilet(s)

poor quality of food, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of fresh air Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 12,500
11. 3766/20


Rinat Yagfarovich KHAFIZOV


IK-25 Komi Republic

29/02/2016 pending as of 16/09/2022

6 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 20 day(s)

1.6 m² lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of toiletries, mouldy or dirty cell, overcrowding, passive smoking, lack of fresh air, inadequate temperature, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and in respect of inadequate conditions of detention during transport;

Art. 3 – inadequate conditions of detention during transport – overnight transfer by train on 25/09/2019, from the colony to the prison hospital; overcrowding (8 inmates per compartment); no individual sleeping place; lack of fresh air; restricted access to toilet; van, train, from 21/08/2019 to 22/08/2019, 0.3 sq. m. per inmate, overcrowding, no safety belts or other safety equipment in a van, insufficient number of sleeping places, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to potable water, lack of fresh air, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of or insufficient natural light, no ventilation, passive smoking, inadequate temperature

12. 4796/20


Andrey Petrovich CHUPROV


IK-6 Orenburg Region

14/03/2001 pending as of 14/08/2019

18 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 1 day(s)

bunk beds, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen, lack or inadequate furniture, lack of fresh air, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to running water, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, shower once in 10 days, no or restricted access to potable water, lack of or insufficient physical exercise in fresh air, lack of or insufficient electric light, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 5,000
13. 26743/20


Dmitriy Aleksandrovich DOLGOBORODOV


IK-25 Komi Republic

03/09/2015 pending as of


7 year(s) and 14 day(s)

110 inmate(s)

7 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to running water, inadequate temperature, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 10,800
14. 48062/20


Aleksey Gennadyevich MIDONOV


IK-3 Leningrad Region

02/02/2017 pending as of 16/09/2022

5 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 15 day(s)

2.3 m² overcrowding, bunk beds, mouldy or dirty cell, lack of fresh air, sharing cells with inmates infected with contagious disease, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to running water, lack of privacy for toilet, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, poor quality of potable water, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to shower Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 10,300
15. 3204/21


Andrey Sergeyevich BERKUTOV


IK-5 Krasnoyarsk Region

16/09/2019 pending as of


3 year(s) and 1 day(s)

126 inmate(s)

2.7 m²

4 toilet(s)

overcrowding, lack of privacy for toilet, lack or insufficient quantity of food, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – in IK-5 Krasnoyarsk Region

since 16/09/2019 and pending as of 16/09/2022

16. 4764/21


Akhror Abdumanonovich RAKHMATOV


IK-29 Kirov Region

08/07/2015 pending as of


7 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 9 day(s)

200 inmate(s)

1.4-1.8 m²

14 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 11,300
17. 7566/21


Aleksey Vyacheslavovich POPOV


IK-25 Komi Republic

21/01/2017 pending as of


5 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 27 day(s)

76 inmate(s)

2 m²

7 toilet(s)

overcrowding, bunk beds, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to running water, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, inadequate temperature, lack of requisite medical assistance, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and in respect of permanent video surveillance in detention facilities;

Art. 8 (1) – secret surveillance – in IK-25 Komi Republic since 21/01/2017: opposite-sex operators, detention in different cells with video surveillance, video surveillance in a lavatory and/or shower room.

18. 7567/21


Aleksandr Sergeyevich DUDKIN


IK-25 Komi Republic

07/04/2017 to


4 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 16 day(s)

36 inmate(s)

1.9-2.3 m²

overcrowding, lack of fresh air Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 6,800
19. 10846/21


Dmitriy Vladimirovich KHORUZHENKO


IK-8 Komi Republic

30/08/2018 pending as of


4 year(s) and 18 day(s)

120 inmate(s)

1.8 m²

3 toilet(s)

inadequate temperature, lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities, no or restricted access to warm water, overcrowding Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,800
20. 11705/21


Murat Musayevich GAZGIREYEV


IK-5 Krasnoyarsk Region

08/06/2016 to


5 year(s) and 6 month(s) and 7 day(s)

96 inmate(s)

2.9-3.7 m²

4 toilet(s)

 lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – detention in different cells with video surveillance, surveillance by opposite-sex operators in IK-5 Krasnoyarsk Region since 08/06/2016 and until 14/12/2021;

Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention during transport, in respect of inadequate conditions of detention and permanent video surveillance

21. 12408/21


Mikhail Sergeyevich KHOKHLACHEV


IK-8 Komi Republic

21/08/2014 to


6 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 12 day(s)

130 inmate(s)

2.1-3 m²

4 toilet(s)

 lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to shower, overcrowding, lack of warm clothes, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 5,300
22. 12701/21


Sergey Aleksandrovich BOLOTOV


IK-8 Komi Republic

16/06/2017 pending as of


5 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 1 day(s)

120 inmate(s)

1.8 m²

 lack of fresh air, lack of ventilation, no or restricted access to potable water, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to toilet, no or restricted access to shower, poor quality of food, overcrowding 10,000
23. 18137/21


Aleksandr Anatolyevich BADANIN


IK-2 Zabaykalskiy Region

28/05/2020 pending as of


2 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 20 day(s)

2.5 m² overcrowding, passive smoking, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to warm water Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 8,000
24. 18138/21


Anatoliy Aleksandrovich NAKONECHNYY


IK-2 Zabaykalskiy Region

04/09/2013 to


8 year(s)

2.5-3 m² overcrowding, passive smoking, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to warm water, mouldy or dirty cell, infestation of cell with insects/rodents Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 5,000
25. 18869/21


Vladimir Olegovich GLOBENKO


IK-25 Komi Republic

29/09/2017 pending as of


4 year(s) and 11 month(s) and 19 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

5 toilet(s)

overcrowding, no or restricted access to warm water, no or restricted access to toilet Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – video surveillance from 22/12/2020 to 25/12/2020 during detention in disciplinary cell 9,500
26. 19440/21


Yevgeniy Ruslanovich SERAFIN


IK-25 in Republic of Komi

17/12/2017 pending as of


4 year(s) and 9 month(s)

76 inmate(s)

2.18 m²

bunk beds, lack of fresh air, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to warm water, overcrowding Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 8,800
27. 19943/21


Aleksey Aleksandrovich LARIONOV


IK-8, Komi Republic

05/08/2014 pending as of


8 year(s) and 1 month(s) and 12 day(s)

2 m² overcrowding, no or restricted access to potable water, mouldy or dirty cell, inadequate temperature, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, no or restricted access to toilet, lack of privacy for toilet, no or restricted access to warm water, poor quality of food, poor quality of potable water Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,800
28. 21424/21


Yuriy Andreyevich VLASOV


IK-8 Komi Republic

27/11/2017 pending as of


4 year(s) and 9 month(s) and 21 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

2 m²

4 toilet(s)

overcrowding, inadequate temperature, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of toiletries, no or restricted access to shower, no or restricted access to toilet Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,800
29. 24280/21


Artemiy Aleksandrovich SERB


IK-8 Komi Republic

14/07/2015 pending as of


7 year(s) and 2 month(s) and 3 day(s)

1.5 m² overcrowding, passive smoking, no or restricted access to warm water, lack or inadequate furniture, inadequate temperature, lack of or insufficient electric light, mouldy or dirty cell, no or restricted access to shower, lack of adequate ventilation Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,000
30. 26437/21


Parviz Nuraliyevich GULOMALIYEV


IK-5 Krasnoyarsk Region

10/02/2015 pending as of


7 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 7 day(s)

14 inmate(s)

0.7 m²

10 toilet(s)

lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of or restricted access to leisure or educational activities Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,300
31. 26517/21


Oleg Nikolayevich KOZYATINSKIY


IK-8 Komi Republic

08/04/2016 pending as of


6 year(s) and 5 month(s) and 9 day(s)

120 inmate(s)

1.75 m²

overcrowding, lack of fresh air, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, no or restricted access to shower 9,300
32. 27411/21


Sergey Mikhaylovich KUROPYATNIKOV


IK-8 Komi Republic

22/05/2018 pending as of


4 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 26 day(s)

100 inmate(s)

<2 m²

inadequate temperature, overcrowding, lack of fresh air, poor quality of food, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, lack of privacy for toilet Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,300
33. 30219/21


Aleksandr Ivanovich VIKOL


IK-3 Yamalo-Nenetsk Autonomous Region

20/01/2019 pending as of


3 year(s) and 7 month(s) and 28 day(s)

1.25-2.4 m² lack of fresh air, overcrowding, lack of or insufficient electric light, lack of or insufficient natural light, lack of privacy for toilet, lack or insufficient quantity of food, mouldy or dirty cell, lack or inadequate furniture, no or restricted access to shower, poor quality of food, inadequate temperature, no or restricted access to warm water, lack of or poor quality of bedding and bed linen Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 8,500
34. 30768/21


Denis Andreyevich KHORKOV


IK-19 Komi Republic

05/06/2020 to


2 year(s) and 3 month(s) and 1 day(s)

2 m² overcrowding, bunk beds, lack of fresh air, lack of or insufficient electric light, no or restricted access to shower, poor quality of food 9,100
35. 31702/21


Andrey Olegovich SANSIYEV


IK-8 Komi Republic

21/04/2016 pending as of


6 year(s) and 4 month(s) and 27 day(s)

<2 m² overcrowding, inadequate temperature, lack of or inadequate hygienic facilities, poor quality of food Art. 13 – lack of any effective remedy in domestic law in respect of inadequate conditions of detention 9,000

[i] Plus any tax that may be chargeable to the applicants.

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