Medicinal Products Act (Arzneimittelgesetz – AMG)

Last Updated on May 29, 2021 by LawEuro

Full citation: Medicinal Products Act in the version published on 12 December 2005 (Federal Law Gazette [BGBl.]) Part I p. 3394, last amended by Article 11 of the Act of 6 May 2019 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 646)

Purpose of the Act, definition of terms, scope

Section 1 Purpose of the Act
Section 2 The term ‘medicinal product’
Section 3 The term ‘substance’
Section 4 Definition of additional terms
Section 4a Exceptions to the scope of this Act
Section 4b Special provisions governing advanced therapy medicinal products

Requirements on medicinal products

Section 5 Prohibition of unsafe medicinal products
Section 6 Empowerment in respect of health protection
Section 6a (repealed)
Section 7 Radiopharmaceuticals and medicinal products treated with ionizing radiation
Section 8 Prohibitions to prevent deception
Section 9 The party responsible for placing on the market
Section 10 Labelling
Section 11 Package leaflet
Section 11a Expert information
Section 12 Empowerment in respect of labelling, package leaflet and package sizes

Manufacture of medicinal products

Section 13 Manufacturing authorisation
Section 14 Decision on the manufacturing authorisation
Section 15 Expert knowledge
Section 16 Limitation of the manufacturing authorisation
Section 17 Deadlines for the granting of marketing authorisations
Section 18 Withdrawal, revocation, suspension
Section 19 Areas of responsibility
Section 20 Obligations to notify
Section 20a Applicability to active substances and other substances
Section 20b Authorisation for the procurement of tissues and the pertinent laboratory testing
Section 20c Authorisation for the processing, preservation, testing and storage or the placing on the market of tissues or tissue preparations
Section 20d Exception from the obligation to obtain an authorisation for tissues and tissue preparations

Marketing authorisation of medicinal products

Section 21 Obligation to obtain a marketing authorisation
Section 21a Approval of tissue preparations
Section 22 Marketing authorisation documents
Section 23 Particular documents required for medicinal products intended for administration to animals
Section 24 Expert opinions
Section 24a Use of a previous applicant’s documents
Section 24b Authorisation of a generic medicinal product, document protection
Section 24c Additional requests
Section 24d General right of use
Section 25 Decision on marketing authorisation
Section 25a Prior examination
Section 25b Mutual-recognition procedure and decentralised procedure
Section 25c Measures taken by the competent higher federal authority on decisions or resolutions of the European Community or the European Union
Section 26 Guidelines for the testing of medicinal products
Section 27 Deadlines for the granting of marketing authorisations
Section 28 Power to impose conditions
Section 29 Obligation to notify, renewal of the marketing authorisation
Section 30 Withdrawal, revocation, suspension
Section 31 Expiry, prolongation
Section 32 Official batch testing
Section 33 Fees and expenses
Section 34 Informing the public
Section 35 Empowerments in respect of marketing authorisation and exemptions
Section 36 Empowerment in respect of standard marketing authorisations
Section 37 Authorisation by the European Community or the European Union for placing on the market, marketing authorisation of medicinal products from other states

Registration of medicinal products

Section 38 Registration of homeopathic medicinal products
Section 39 Decision on the registration of homeopathic medicinal products, procedural provisions
Section 39a Registration of traditional herbal medicinal products
Section 39b Registration documents for traditional herbal medicinal products
Section 39c Decision on the registration of traditional herbal medicinal products
Section 39d Other procedural provisions for traditional herbal medicinal products

Protection of human subjects in clinical trials

Section 40 General conditions for clinical trials
Section 41 Special conditions for clinical trials
Section 41a Registration process for ethics committees
Section 41b Rules of procedure and schedule of responsibilities
Section 41c Power to issue ordinances
Section 42 Ethics committee procedure, procedure for authorisation by the higher federal authority
Section 42a Withdrawal, revocation and suspension of the authorisation or of the favourable opinion
Section 42b Publication of the results of clinical trials

Sale of medicinal products

Section 43 Pharmacy-only requirement, placing on the market by veterinarians
Section 44 Exceptions to the pharmacy-only requirement
Section 45 Authority to allow further exceptions to the pharmacy-only requirement
Section 46 Authority to extend the pharmacy-only requirement
Section 47 Distribution channel
Section 47a Special distribution channels, obligation to keep records
Section 47b Special distribution channels, diamorphine
Section 48 Prescription requirement
Section 49 (no longer applicable)
Section 50 Retail trading of over-the-counter medicinal products
Section 51 Sale by itinerant traders
Section 52 Prohibition of self-service
Section 52a Wholesale trading of medicinal products
Section 52 bSupply of medicinal products
Section 52c Brokering of medicinal products
Section 53 Expert consultation

Safety and quality control

Section 54 Internal regulations
Section 55 Pharmacopoeia
Section 55a Official compilation of test procedures


Section 56 Medicated feeding stuffs
Section 56a Prescription, dispensing and use of medicinal products by veterinarians
Section 56b Exceptions
Section 57 Acquisition and possession by keepers of animals, records
Section 57a Use by animal keepers
Section 58 Use in food-producing animals
Section 58a Notifications about animal keeping
Section 58b Notifications about the use of medicinal products
Section 58c Determining the treatment frequency
Section 58d Reduction in treatment with antibacterially active substances
Section 58e Authority to issue ordinances
Section 58f Use of data
Section 58g Evaluation
Section 59 Clinical trial and residue testing in food-producing animals
Section 59a Trade in substances and preparations from substances
Section 59b Substances for conducting residue tests
Section 59c Obligations to keep records of substances that can be used as veterinary medicinal products
Section 59d Administration of pharmacologically active substances to food-producing animals
Section 60 Pet animals
Section 61 Powers of veterinary schools


Section 62 Organisation of the pharmacovigilance system of the competent higher federal authority
Section 63 Graduated plan
Section 63a Graduated plan officer
Section 63b General pharmacovigilance obligations of the marketing authorisation holder
Section 63c Documentation and reporting obligations of the holder of a marketing authorisation for medicinal products for human use in the case of suspected adverse reactions
Section 63d Periodic safety update reports
Section 63e European procedure
Section 63f General prerequisites for non-interventional post-authorisation safety studies
Section 63g Special prerequisites for imposed non-interventional post-authorisation safety studies
Section 63h Documentation and notification obligations for medicinal products for animal use
Section 63i Documentation and notification obligations in respect of blood and tissue preparations and tissues
Section 63j Exceptions


Section 64 Conducting supervision
Section 65 Sampling
Section 66 Obligation to tolerate and collaborate
Section 67 General notification requirement
Section 67a Database-supported information system
Section 67b EU Compendium of Tissue Establishments, EU Compendium of Tissue and Cell Products, obligations to inform
Section 68Ob ligations to notify and to inform
Section 69 Measures by the competent authorities
Section 69a The supervision of substances which can be used as medicinal products for animals
Section 69b Use of specific data

Special provisions for the Federal Armed Forces, Federal Police, Public Order Police, Civil Protection

Section 70 Application and enforcement of the Act
Section 71 Exceptions

Import and export

Section 72 Import authorisation
Section 72a Certificates
Section 72b Import authorisations and certificates for tissues and specific tissue preparations
Section 72c One-off import of tissues and tissue preparations
Section 73 Prohibition of introduction
Section 73a Export
Section 74 Participation of customs offices

Information officer, pharmaceutical consultant

Section 74a Information Officer
Section 75 Expert knowledge
Section 76 Duties

Designation of the competent higher federal authorities and other provisions

Section 77 Competent higher federal authority
Section 77a Independence and transparency
Section 78 Prices
Section 79 Authority to permit exceptions in times of crisis
Section 80 Authority to issue procedural and compassionate use regulations
Section 81 Relation to other laws
Section 82 General administrative regulations
Section 83 Approximation to European Union legislation
Section 83a Ordinances for specific cases
Section 83b Publication of ordinances

Liability for damages caused by medicinal products

Section 84 Absolute liability
Section 84a Right to disclosure
Section 85 Contributory negligence
Section 86 Extent of liability for damages in the case of death
Section 87 Extent of liability for damages in the case of bodily injury
Section 88 Maximum amounts
Section 89 Compensation in the form of annuities
Section 90 Statute of limitations (repealed)
Section 91 Extended liability
Section 92 Mandatory provision
Section 93 Several parties liable for damages
Section 94 Coverage provision
Section 94a Local jurisdiction

Penal provisions and provisions on administrative fines

Section 95Penal provisions
Section 96Penal provisions
Section 97Provisions on administrative fines
Section 98Confiscation
Section 98a(no longer applicable)

Transitional and interim provisions
First sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Law on the Reform of Drug Legislation

Section 99 1961 Drug Law
Section 100
Section 101 (no longer applicable)
Section 102
Section 102a (no longer applicable)
Section 103
Section 104 (no longer applicable)
Section 105
Section 105a
Section 105b
Section 106 (no longer applicable)
Section 107 (no longer applicable)
Section 108 (no longer applicable)
Section 108a
Section 108b (no longer applicable)
Section 109
Section 109a
Section 110
Section 111 (no longer applicable)
Section 112
Section 113
Section 114 (no longer applicable)
Section 115
Section 116
Section 117 (no longer applicable)
Section 118
Section 119
Section 120
Section 121 (no longer applicable)
Section 122
Section 123
Section 124
Second sub-chapter
Section 125 Transitional provisions arising out of the First Act Amending the Drug Law
Section 126

Third sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Second Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 127
Section 128
Section 129
Section 130
Section 131

Fourth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Fifth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 132

Fifth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising of the Seventh Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 133

Sixth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Transfusion Act

Section 134

Seventh sub-chapter

Transitional provisions arising out of the Eighth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 135

Eighth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Tenth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 136

Ninth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Eleventh Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 137

Tenth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Twelfth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 138

Eleventh sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the First Act Amending the Transfusion Act and the Regulations on Medicinal Products

Section 139

Twelfth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Thirteenth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 140

Thirteenth sub-chapter
Transitional provisions arising out of the Fourteenth Act Amending the Drug Law

Section 141

Fourteenth sub-chapter

Section 142 Transitional provisions arising out of the Tissues Act
Section 142a Transitional provision and grandfathering provision arising out of the Act Implementing Commission Directive (EU) 2015/566 and (EU) 2015/565 on the import and coding of human tissue and tissue products
Section 142b Transitional provisions arising out of the Act Updating the Regulations governing Blood and Tissue Preparations and Amending Additional Provisions
Fifteenth sub-chapter
Section 143 Transitional provisions arising out of the Act on improving measures against doping in sport (repealed)
Sixteenth sub-chapter
Section 144 Transitional provisions arising out of the Act amending the regulations on medicinal products and other regulations
Seventeenth sub-chapter
Section 145 Transitional provisions arising out of the Act on the Reform of the Market for Medicinal Products

Eighteenth sub-chapter
Transitional provision

Section 146 Transitional provisions arising out of the Second Act amending regulations on medicinal products and other regulations

Nineteenth sub-chapter
Transitional provision

Section 147 Transitional provisions arising out of the Third Act amending the regulations pertaining to medicinal products and other regulations

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