Special provisions for the Federal Armed Forces, Federal Police, Public Order Police, Civil Protection. Medicinal Products Act

Last Updated on May 29, 2021 by LawEuro

Medicinal Products Act (Laws / Regulations of Germany)

Special provisions for the Federal Armed Forces, Federal Police, Public Order Police, Civil Protection

Section 70
Application and enforcement of the Act

(1) The provisions of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the establishments which supply the Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police and the Public Order Police of the Laender with medicinal products as well as to the stockpiling of medicinal products for civil protection purposes.

(2) In the sphere of the Federal Armed Forces, the execution of this Act in respect of the supervision of the trade in medicinal products shall be incumbent upon the competent agencies and experts of the Federal Armed Forces. In the sphere of the Federal Police, it shall be incumbent upon the competent agencies and experts of the Federal Police. With regard to the stockpiling of medicinal products for civil protection, it shall be incumbent on the agencies designated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior; in so far as offices of the individual Laender are designated, the approval of the Bundesrat shall be required.

Section 71

(1) The indication of the expiry date stipulated in Section 10 sub-section 1 number 9 is not necessary in the case of medicinal products which are supplied to the Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police, as well as to the Federal Government and the Laender for the purpose of civil protection and disaster control. The competent Federal Ministries or, in cases where medicinal products are supplied to the Laender, the competent Land authorities shall ensure that quality, efficacy and safety are also guaranteed with respect to these medicinal products.

(2) The Federal Ministry is hereby empowered to permit, by means of ordinance, exceptions to the regulations contained in this Act and the ordinances issued by virtue of this Act for the sphere of the Federal Armed Forces, the Federal Police, the Public Order Police of the Laender and the Civil Protection and Disaster Control Service, in so far as this is justified in the execution of the specific duties, including participation in international relief efforts, in these areas and in so far as the protection of human or animal health continues to be guaranteed. The ordinance shall be issued by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture in agreement with the Federal Ministry, in so far as medicinal products intended for administration to animals are concerned.

(3) The ordinance shall be issued, in so far as it concerns the Federal Armed Forces, in agreement with the Federal Ministry of Defence and, in so far as it concerns the Federal Police and Civil Protection, in agreement with the Federal Ministry of the Interior without, in either instance, the approval of the Bundesrat; in so far as the ordinance concerns the Public Order Police of the individual federal Laender or the Disaster Control Service, it shall be issued in agreement with the Federal Ministry of the Interior and subject to the approval of the Bundesrat.

Table of contents (Medicinal Products Act)

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