Title 25. Presentation of things (Section 809 – 811)

Last Updated on June 28, 2021 by LawEuro

German Civil Code (BGB) German law

Title 25
Presentation of things

Section 809
Inspection of a thing

A person who has a claim in respect of a thing against its possessor or wishes to obtain certainty as to whether he has such a claim may, if inspection of the thing is of interest to him for this reason, demand that the possessor presents the thing to him for inspection or permits inspection.

Section 810
Right to inspect documents

A person who has a legal interest in inspecting a document in the possession of another person may demand from its possessor permission to inspect it if the document was drawn up in his interests or if in the document a legal relationship existing between himself and another is documented or if the document contains negotiations on a legal transaction that were engaged in between him and another person or between one of the two of them and a joint intermediary.

Section 811
Place of presentation, risk and costs

(1) Presentation must, in the cases of sections 809 and 810, be made at the place where the thing to be presented is located. Each party may demand to have it presented at another place if there is a compelling reason for doing so.

(2) Risk and costs must be borne by the person demanding presentation. The possessor may refuse presentation until the other party advances the costs and provides security for the risk.

Table of contents (German Civil Code)

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