Title 26. Unjust enrichment (Section 812 – 822)

Last Updated on June 28, 2021 by LawEuro

German Civil Code (BGB) German law

Title 26
Unjust enrichment

Section 812
Claim for restitution

(1) A person who obtains something as a result of the performance of another person or otherwise at his expense without legal grounds for doing so is under a duty to make restitution to him. This duty also exists if the legal grounds later lapse or if the result intended to be achieved by those efforts in accordance with the contents of the legal transaction does not occur.

(2) Performance also includes the acknowledgement of the existence or non-existence of an obligation.

Section 813
Performance notwithstanding defence

(1) Restitution of performance rendered to perform an obligation may also be demanded if the claim was subject to a defence by means of which assertion of the claim has been permanently excluded. The provisions of section 214 (2) are unaffected.

(2) If an obligation due on a specific date is performed early, then the claim for return is excluded and reimbursement of interim interest may not be demanded.

Section 814
Knowledge that debt is not owed

Restitution of performance rendered for the purpose of performing an obligation may not be demanded if the person who rendered the performance knew that he was not obliged to do so or if the performance complied with a moral duty or consideration of decency.

Section 815
Non-occurrence of result

A claim for return for the non-occurrence of a result intended by an act of performance is excluded if the occurrence of the result was impossible from the outset and the person who rendered the performance prevented the result from occurring in bad faith.

Section 816
Disposition by an unauthorised person

(1) If an unauthorised person disposes of an object and the decision is effective against the authorised person, then he is obliged to make restitution to the authorised person of what he gains by the disposal. If the disposition is gratuitous, then the same duty applies to a person who as a result of the disposition directly gains a legal advantage.

(2) If performance is rendered to an unauthorised person that is effective in relation to the authorised person, then the unauthorised person is under a duty to make restitution of the performance.

Section 817
Breach of law or public policy

If the purpose of performance was determined in such a way that that the recipient, in accepting it, was violating a statutory prohibition or public policy, then the recipient is obliged to make restitution. A claim for return is excluded if the person who rendered performance was likewise guilty of such a breach, unless the performance consisted in entering into an obligation; restitution may not be demanded of any performance rendered in fulfilment of such an obligation.

Section 818
Scope of the claim to enrichment

(1) The duty to make restitution extends to emoluments taken as well as to whatever the recipient acquires by reason of a right acquired or in compensation for destruction, damage or deprivation of the object obtained.

(2) If restitution is not possible due to the quality of the benefit obtained, or if the recipient is for another reason unable to make restitution, then he must compensate for its value.

(3) The liability to undertake restitution or to reimburse the value is excluded to the extent that the recipient is no longer enriched.

(4) From the time when the action is pending onwards, the recipient is liable under the general provisions of law.

Section 819
Increased liability in case of knowledge and breaches of law or public policy

(1) If the recipient, at the time of receipt, knows of the defect in the legal basis or if he learns of it later, then he is obliged to make restitution from the moment of receipt or of obtaining knowledge of the defect to make restitution as if the claim for restitution had been pending from this time on.

(2) If the recipient, in accepting the performance, violates a statutory prohibition or public policy, then he is likewise under the same obligation from receipt of payment onwards.

Section 820
Increased liability where the result is uncertain

(1) If the performance was intended to produce a result whose occurrence, according to the contents of the legal transaction, was regarded as uncertain, then, if the result does not occur, the recipient is under a duty of restitution in the same way as if the claim for restitution had been pending at the time of receipt. The same applies if the performance has been rendered for a legal reason which according to the contents of the legal transaction was regarded as likely to lapse and the legal reason ceases to exist.

(2) The recipient must only pay interest from the time when he learns that the result has not occurred or that the legal reason has ceased to exist; he is not obliged to make restitution of emoluments to the extent that he is no longer enriched at this time.

Section 821
Enrichment defence

A person who enters into an obligation without legal grounds to do so may also refuse fulfilment if the claim to release from the obligation is statute-barred.

Section 822
Restitution duty of third parties

If the recipient bestows the gains on a third person at no charge, then that third person is obliged to make restitution as if he had received the disposition from the creditor without legal grounds, to the extent that as a result of the bestowal the duty of the recipient to make restitution of the enrichment is excluded.

Table of contents (German Civil Code)

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