CASE OF V v. THE CZECH REPUBLIC – The application concerns the death of the applicant’s brother, hospitalised in a psychiatric hospital following the use of a taser by the police and administration of a tranquiliser by a hospital nurse

European Court of Human Rights. Application no. 26074/18. Circumstances of the case: On the evening of 5 November 2015, a member of P.Z.’s family called an emergency line, stating that P.Z., who was 30 years old at the time, had…

CASE OF İLERDE AND OTHERS v. TÜRKİYE – The applications concern the alleged inadequate conditions of the applicants’ detention, in particular overcrowding

The applications concern the alleged inadequate conditions of the applicants’ detention, in particular overcrowding. The applicants complain of a violation of Article 3 of the Convention. Two applications also concern the placement of applicants in remote penal facilities, which allegedly…

CASE OF ŢÎMPĂU v. ROMANIA – The applicant complained that the national courts’ refusal to examine her objections to a local Archbishop’s decision to withdraw the endorsement that he had granted to the applicant to work as a teacher of religion

The applicant was a laywoman teacher of Orthodox religion at a secondary public school in Câmpulung Moldovenesc (“the school”) for twenty years. The applicant complained that the national courts’ refusal to examine her objections to a local Archbishop’s decision to…

CASE OF S.B. v. NORTH MACEDONIA – The case concerns the alleged inability of the applicant to challenge evidence relied on by the domestic authorities in proceedings for her expulsion

The European Court of Human Rights observes that the Ministry’s decision of 9 March 2017 compelling the applicant to leave the respondent State simply stated that the measure was being taken on grounds of national security and contained no indication…