CASE OF OĞUZ v. TÜRKİYE – The application concerns the alleged unfairness of criminal proceedings against the applicant on account of his inability to examine an anonymous witness whose statements were used by the trial court to convict him of various offences

On 9 October 2011 the applicant was arrested with a knife in his possession by police officers on a side street, following an illegal demonstration in the Demirtaş district of Mersin. He was released the same day. On 24 October…

CASE OF BELTSIOS v. GREECE – The case concerns an alleged violation of the presumption of innocence under Article 6 § 2 of the Convention and the alleged failure to decide “speedily” on the application for the applicant’s release under Article 5 § 4

In 2000 a contract was signed for the procurement of submarines from the German consortium H.-F. by the Hellenic Shipyards for a total value exceeding 1,3 billion euros (EUR). In 2002 another contract was signed for the repair of submarines…

CASE OF NADİR YILDIRIM AND OTHERS v. TÜRKİYE – 39712/16. The applicants complained of a breach of their right to be presumed innocent under Article 6 § 2 of the Convention

In 2007 the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal investigation into suspected links between certain individuals, including the applicants, and the activities of the KCK/TM (Koma Civakên Kurdistan – The Kurdistan Communities Union/Assembly of Türkiye), which is regarded…

CASE OF SCHMIDT AND SMIGOL v. ESTONIA – The case concerns the consecutive enforcement of disciplinary punishments against the applicants and the placing of the first applicant in a locked isolation cell as a security measure

The case concerns the consecutive enforcement of disciplinary punishments against the applicants and the placing of the first applicant in a locked isolation cell as a security measure. This resulted in the applicants spending periods of differing durations under conditions…

CASE OF TADIC v. CROATIA – The case concerns criminal proceedings in which the applicant was found guilty of conspiring with several persons with a view to influencing the Supreme Court, by means of paying a sum of money, to render a decision favourable to a well-known politician who was being tried for a war crime

The applicant complained that the Supreme Court, as the appellate court in his case, had not been impartial because of the circumstances surrounding its president, who had testified as a witness for the prosecution. He also complained that the publication…

CASE OF MARIYA ALEKHINA AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA (No. 2) – The application concerns the refusal of the Russian authorities to register the applicants’ human rights organisation “The Zone of Law”

The applicants – two members of a punk band, Pussy Riot, and a retired official from the Russian Federal Prison Service – attempted to establish a public association, “The Zone of Law”, with the object of providing legal assistance to…