CASE OF YAKOVIN AND OTHERS v. UKRAINE – The applicants complained of the ineffective investigation into ill‑treatment inflicted by private parties or in circumstances that exclude involvement of State agents

The European Court of Human Rights notes at the outset that the violent treatment in question fell within the scope of Article 3 of the Convention. The Court reiterates that Article 3 of the Convention requires that the authorities conduct…

CASE OF G.T.B. v. SPAIN – The Court considers that the authorities failed in their positive obligation to act with due diligence in order to assist the applicant to have his birth registered and, as a consequence, to have his identity documents obtained

The case concerns the delay by the public authorities in processing the applicant’s mother’s request to register his birth, which was made several years after the applicant was born. Not having a birth certificate also prevented the applicant from having…

CASE OF A.E. AND T.B. v. ITALY – The case concerns the allegedly unlawful detention of the applicants, Sudanese nationals, and an attempt by the Italian authorities to remove them to their country of origin

The applicants complained about the material conditions of their transfer from Ventimiglia to Taranto and back, the conditions in which they had been accommodated during their stay at the Taranto hotspot and the alleged ill-treatment of Mr T.B., the second…

Nika v. Albania

Legal summary November 2023 Nika v. Albania – 1049/17 Judgment 14.11.2023 [Section III] Article 2 Article 2-1 Life Effective investigation Article 2-2 Use of force Unjustified use of lethal force by State agents during a political protest resulting in the…