CASE OF ABELA v. MALTA – 825/21. The application concerns a unilaterally imposed lease under Act XXIII of 1979 amending Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta (the Ordinance), on the applicant’s property

The application concerns a unilaterally imposed lease under Act XXIII of 1979 amending Chapter 158 of the Laws of Malta (the Ordinance), on the applicant’s property, no. 1 Cordina Lane, St. Paul’s area, Cospicua, which he acquired following inheritance and…

CASE OF MARTINELLI AND OTHERS v. MALTA – 788/21. The case concerns the applicants’ property in Naxxar which has since 1945 been rented out, as a club, under Chapter 69 of the Laws of Malta, to the Naxxar Lions Football club

The case concerns the applicants’ property in Naxxar which has since 1945 been rented out, as a club, under Chapter 69 of the Laws of Malta, to the Naxxar Lions Football club. At the time it was rented out at…

CASE OF KITANOVSKA AND TRAJKOVSKI v. NORTH MACEDONIA – The obligation to pay a private heat supplier a standing charge introduced by the State had violated the peaceful enjoyment of their possessions (flats)

The applications concern the applicants’ complaint that the obligation to pay a private heat supplier a standing charge introduced by the State had violated the peaceful enjoyment of their possessions (flats) under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the…

CASE OF JANAKIESKI v. NORTH MACEDONIA – The difficulties involved in dealing with the applicant’s numerous appeals, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, do not justify failure to comply with the “speediness” requirement set out in Article 5 § 4 of the Convention

The present case concerns the alleged unlawfulness and arbitrariness of the applicant’s deprivation of liberty, lack of relevant and sufficient reasons for his deprivation of liberty and lack of a speedy review of his deprivation of liberty, in breach of…