CASE OF KIRPICHEV (KIRPICHENKO) AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA – The applicants complained of the disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies

The applicants complained principally of disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies, namely their arrest in relation to the dispersal of these assemblies and their conviction for administrative offences. They relied, expressly or in substance,…

CASE OF VARACHENKOV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA – The applicants complained of the disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies

The applicants complained principally of disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers and participants of public assemblies, namely the dispersal of these assemblies, as well as their arrest followed by their conviction for administrative offences. They relied, expressly or in…

CASE OF KAPITONOV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA – The applicants complained of the disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies

The applicants complained principally of disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies, namely their arrest in relation to the dispersal of these assemblies and their conviction for administrative offences. They relied, expressly or in substance,…

CASE OF MAZUROVA AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA (984/15 and 23 others) The applicants complained of the disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies

The applicants complained principally of disproportionate measures taken against them as organisers or participants of public assemblies, namely their arrest in relation to the dispersal of these assemblies and their conviction for administrative offences. They relied, expressly or in substance,…

CASE OF DURDAJ AND OTHERS v. ALBANIA – 63543/09 and 3 others. The application concerns the explosion at the Gërdec facility for dismantling decommissioned and obsolete weapons

The application concerns the explosion at the Gërdec facility for dismantling decommissioned and obsolete weapons, machinery and equipment of the armed forces which resulted in the death of the applicants’ next of kin or grievous bodily injuries to the applicants.…

CASE OF KASHUBA AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA. The applicants complained about their confinement in a metal cage and/or a glass cabin in the courtroom during the criminal proceedings against them

Having regard to its case-law on the subject, the Court considers that in the instant cases the applicants’ confinement in a metal cage and/or a glass cabin before the court during the criminal proceedings against them amounted to degrading treatment.…