CASE OF SARDAR BABAYEV v. AZERBAIJAN – The present two applications concern the pre-trial detention and subsequent criminal conviction of the applicant, a local clergyman who obtained his religious education abroad, for preaching and conducting Friday prayers in a mosque

European Court of Human Rights (Application no. 34015/17 and 26896/18) The applicant maintained his complaint, submitting that his criminal conviction for preaching and conducting Friday prayers in a mosque had amounted to an unjustified interference with his right to manifest…

CASE OF UGULAVA v. GEORGIA (No. 2) – The case concerns the applicant’s allegation under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention that the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, which examined his case in domestic proceedings, was not an “independent and impartial tribunal established by law”

European Court of Human Rights (22431/20) The applicant was one of the leaders of the United National Movement (“the UNM”), a political party which governed the country between November 2003 and October 2012. He was initially appointed mayor of Tbilisi…